Geisha – The Art Behind The Glory and The Pale Mask
Geisha – The Art Behind The Glory and The Pale Mask

Geisha – The Art Behind The Glory and The Pale Mask

What is the role of a Geisha? In the beginning, both women and men could practice the geisha profession. However, it was mainly men who were present in this business due to cultural factors. Today, geisha are mostly women who live in Japan and perform this task as a career. Geisha has always been considered as a highly respected role in the Japanese culture and they have many responsibilities that they are required to carry out.

How is it to become a geisha? In ancient times, both young boys and girls were able to learn this art from their elders. There were tea houses where the young women would learn this art. Boys and girls who are interested to become a geisha will need to complete some training classes. These training classes usually last from a few days to a few weeks.

Ochaya or the tea houses where geisha usually work. Nowadays, there are tea houses where one can learn this art from online video tutorials. It is very important that the training room is authentic as it will help you learn how to properly serve tea to guests.

How is it to become a geisha nowadays? The modern geisha still live in the traditional Japanese tea house called okiya. They still work according to the original pattern of working from ochaya to geisha. However, there are many modern geisha who have created their own styles, with the help of western training programs, such as the famous Kyoto training program that was created by Mrs. Hawayo Takata.

How is it to become a geisha in modern times? One of the most common career choices of modern geisha is tea ceremony. The reason for this is that many Japanese people do not like the taste of western foods. To cope up with this problem, they resort to learning the art of tea ceremony. After learning tea ceremony from a professional teacher, a traditional geisha can learn how to make delicious Japanese tea for her guests.

If you want to become a geisha, you will need to learn how to apply makeup. Geisha spend most of their time in front of the mirrors in order to perfect their makeup skills. Their makeup job requires many hours of practice. Okiya or traditional geisha employ young girls who can learn how to apply makeup. However, if you do not have the passion or time, you can hire a makeup artist to apply your makeup for you.

Today, it is common for geisha to keep their hairstyles consistent with their dresses and makeup. In the olden days, geisha had their hairstyles dictated by the period of their employment. However, in modern times, the hairstyles and makeup have to match. You can hire a hairdresser to provide you with a proper hairdo and makeup style.

Other than these traditional skills, geisha can also learn how to wear makeup. In fact, most modern geisha prefer to wear makeup as part of their overall outfit. In addition to using cosmetics to make themselves look beautiful, it makes them look more feminine and graceful. As a result, you will never mistake a geisha wearing ganji for a regular school girl.

Today, there are many ways to differentiate between geisha who wear kimonos and those who don’t. As an example, the traditional kimono was used to signify wealth, power and social status while the modern-day kimono is considered outdated. If you see geisha wearing the typical school girl kimono, they probably have no connection with the culture. They may just be trying to look cute.

The onsen geisha are a special breed of Japanese prostitution workers. Onsen means “open road” in Japanese. Geisha often work independently. Unlike in the real world, onsen geisha are allowed to sleep with complete strangers. Although the practice is thought to be immoral in Japan, many respectable high class families in Japan still employ geisha to live in their home as domestic workers.

Today, the modern geisha still practice their old art of living life to the fullest while enjoying traditional Japanese entertainments like the geisha hairstyles. The modern geisha hairstyles were created to maintain the original image of Onsen geisha while meeting western culture’s hairstyles. Today, many geisha still wear their traditional Japanese timbers. There are many different hairstyles for geisha. These popular hairstyles have been adapted to meet the changing needs of geisha from the olden days.